Bishop Olivier: The presence of the Pope gives us strength

On the first day in Thailand on a pilgrimage during Pope Francis visits Thailand, Bishop Olivier of Phnom Penh said to about 200 Catholics representing communities of the three Church Jurisdictions in Cambodia to encourage them to be joyful and strengthening faith during these days with the pope.

Bishop Continues this is the sixth time that the Pope has come to Asia. In this pilgrimage, hoped that we are Catholics will strong as St.Paul, even faced in some obstacles, but still strong in faith. “The pope is visiting the church in Thailand, give us strength and encouragement … We, apostle in Cambodia, let’s take the opportunity to meet with the pope for strengthening faith, getting hope and love from God,” he said.

The Cambodian’s delegates has departed by bus to Thailand on November 20, 2019 with constant encouragement from Bishop Olivier and led by Fr Paul Chatserie, for welcoming the visit of Pope Francis to Thailand November 20-23, 2019. The Holy Father will travel to Japan from November 23-26. Regarding to the trip to Japan, Bishop Olivier said “Japan is waiting for the pope to talk about nuclear disarmament … because the pope is the ambassador of peace.”

According to the schedule on November 21, 2019 The Holy Father will visit the Catholic Hospital Saint Louis, meet with Prime Minister of Thailand, meet with suprime Monks of the Thailand and Holy Mass with Catholics from all over at the National Stadium in Bangkok.



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