Bishop Olivier urges priests to reflect on Pope’s message

Phnom Penh diocesan priests gathered at a meeting to reflect on the Advent season and the message of Pope Francis who recently visited Thailand and Japan.  The meeting was chaired by bishop Olivier Schmitthaeusler of the Apostolic Vicariate of Phnom Penh on the morning of 4 December 2019 at the Chapel of Sts. Peter and Paul, Phnom Penh Thmey commune in Phnom Penh.

At the meeting, all priests watched a video on the Pope’s visit to the region. Then, the bishop instructed the priests who are missionaries to pay more attention to the messages and activities of the Pope. The messages and activities are a special sign of spreading the Good News of God so that it will enter into people’s hearts. The messages are also a model for the priests to put the Gospel into practice in Cambodia.

At the meeting, the bishop highlighted how Thailand gave a grand welcome to the Pope and the testimonies of the faithful who had a change of heart after they met with the Pope.  They were bold in telling their families that they are Catholics and that the Pope was spreading the Kingdom of God which is coming.  They also established a new society in the way of Jesus. “Pope Francis reminded us to think of human rights. We must pay attention to the unfortunate such as poor people, children, women who work at entertainment venues and migrant workers,” said the bishop.

More than this, the bishop did not fail to instruct the priests to promote relations with other religious groups.  It is hoped that they will follow the example of the Pope to promote peace and jointly protect the environment without fear.

During the Advent season, all priests were asked to come up with ways to announce the Word of God.  It is hoped the Word of God will enter into the hearts and culture of a society or country where they are fulfilling their pastoral mission.



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