Human trafficking remains problematic for Cambodia

More than 3,500 people from members of the public, representatives from religious groups, civil servant and NGOs participated in an assembly marking the 13th “Anti-Human Trafficking Day” to spread and create awareness on human trafficking issues. The gathering took place at the Koh Pich Convention and Exhibition Hall on 12th December 2019 The assembly was presided over by Sar Kheng, the Minister of Interior and also the chairman of the National Committee on Counter Trafficking of human in Cambodia (NCCT).

With the theme “Collaboration for human trafficking-free Cambodia,” Sar Kheng said that the human trafficking issues remained problematic, complex and pressing issue for the government of Cambodia. Hence, countries in the world must join hands to prevent and solve this issue. He further said: “The Royal government of Cambodia renews its commitment to combating human trafficking with the aim of protecting and promoting safety of all people in social security as well as respect for rights, dignity and interests of peoples of all ages. Those trafficked are destroyed by culprits involved in human trafficking, sexual exploitation and abuse in all forms, so that this commitment will yield a better results.”

However,  Samdech Krala Hoam Sar Kheng appealed for the participation of the relevant institutions including civil societies, the government national and sub-national levels. It is hoped they will collaborate with relevant countries in the region and world to stop, prevent and solve the issues. All citizens must be more vigilant about human trafficking issues in other forms through use of new media technologies using on-line resources that has a very wide circulation.

He added that Cambodia had been urging for the strict implementation of principles stipulated in the “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration” (GCM) and the international Convention on “Transnational and organised human trafficking” including bilateral and plural agreements.

Fr. Suon Hangly, the parish priest of the Phnom Penh Thmey pastoral sector, said that human traffickers had deviated from the faith of Catholic Church that teaches respect for human values and lives. He further said: “The faithful must pay attention to respecting human values. Any form of human trafficking, whether economic, physical or mental exploitations, is not right in our faith and unfavourable to the Will of God.” He added that he would take the call of the government on this day for spreading to the Catholics to protect migrants. The faithful would attentively pray that God enlighten offenders to have a change of heart as well as help report related issues to the police once they see human trafficking. This policy is really in line with the faithful helping the weak.



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