The Pastoral Committee on Labour helps workers with sodality

The Pastoral Committee on Labour of the Catholic diocese of Phnom Penh organised a camp for workers under the theme “Solidarity and Prosperity” for three days from 13-15 May 2019 Angkor Wat temple soil in Siem Reap province.  The camp was attended by 24 workers from some factories in the Tuol Pongro area in Chaom Chao commune in the vicinity of the blue-roofed and Canadia factories in Phnom Penh.

Mao Sreykeo, a member of the Pastoral Committee on Labour, said that the aim of the camp was to help young workers get to know, express solidarity and attention to one another, especially leading them to learn and know about cultural heritage left by their ancestors –the Angkor Wat temple and other temples, the Sambor Prei Kuk archaeological site and the cultural village so that they would be aware of the prosperity of our national heritage.

Sreykeo further said that solidarity and helping each other were very important to live a life of workers because at the workplace if workers express solidarity, collaborate and help like brothers and sisters, then any works will be attributed to success. She also commented: “We have amusement games and reflection in order for them to be aware of even more of solidarity and collaboration in work as groups.”

Youth Ra, 21, added that he was delighted to visit famous historical sites in Cambodia; he had been provided new moods, knowledge and amusement. The 21-year-old continued: “This is the first time that I had come to Siem Reap. I am happy to especially see the Angkor Wat – something I have wanted to see for a very long time. I felt very excited to see a number of temples. ”

Another youth, Seng Sarith,27, an electrician, a Svay Rieng province native, expressed his feelings, saying that he was elated to attend the camp and met with new and old friends.  The 27-year-old had acquired new knowledge.  “The camp got our young workers to help and collaborate with one another to share affairs at the event.”

Youth Huon Y Ma, 20, a female worker from Kampong Speu, continued: “I would like to thank the Pastoral Committee on Labour for helping us get to know our nation’s culture and the entire worker to demonstrate solidarity without discrimination on each other and sharing.”

The Pastoral Committee on Labour was established in 2007 to fulfil shared missions to journey with the workers, help them with learn about the labour rights, life skills, health care and learn to stand on their own two feet and so on. Sreykeo remarked that the camp for the workers was held for the second time – the first in Preah Sihanouk province.

She added that besides the joint camps, the committee had also initiated a variety of programmes for the workers. The centre for the workers comprises affordable rented rooms, there was the joint theatres, the teaching of illiterate workers, gatherings during International Workers’ day, a prayer service, news summary, the library for the workers and their children, reading books, the publicity of documents and workers’ health.



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