Opening new academic year at Major​Seminary at Phnom Penh

Time to open new academic year at Major​Seminary at Phnom Penh. We have 5 seminarians for Phnom Penh and 1 for Kompong Cham…​At Bangkok Major Seminary, we have 2 seminarians for Phnom Penh and 1 for Battambang….Thanks​ God for this special gift for our small church… Seminary time is time to be one with Christ , to be purified, to become free in God! (cf. HOMILY Vidéo) Blessings to you dear Seeminarians and to the Superior, Professors, Spiritual Directors!Wednesday morning during priests recollection, we have reflected on new Encyclical Letter of the Holy Father : Fratelli Tutti – How to build a new society based on Fraternity and Friendship? (cf. Resume document) Blessed to you all and we continue to pray for all our people who are bad affected by flooding as well Covid19 economic issues 🙏.



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