Youths on Pilgrimage to promote peace with faith related activities

More than 200 Catholic youths from parishes in Phnom Penh diocese went on a pilgrimage on foot on 8-9 February 2020 with the help of the Phnom Penh Pastoral Office for Youth, Teenagers and Children. They walked from St. John, the Baptist’s church in Bati district to St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Church in Prey Kabas in Takeo province under the spiritual guidance of Bishop Olivier Schmitthaeusler of the Apostolic Vicariate of Phnom Penh.

Beginning this pilgrimage, the bishop reminded the participating youths that the activity was an opportunity for them to find the path to happiness and serve as “Peacemakers” in the world that was built in the path of happiness of Jesus. They have to pay attention to three attitudes, namely, humility as poverty and gentleness and a purity of heart. The Bishop highlighted each point, citing the Words of Jesus about the Beatitudes and some examples that have occurred in society.

Pilgrims were divided into ten groups. They had to walk from Bati Church to Bun Rany Hun Sen Primary School of Slarme and then proceed past Phnom Chisor until Prekabas Church, which is a distance of 20 km. Upon arriving at each resting place, the bishop instructed the essence on the faith and tasks that Catholics had to do in society, which is how they should practice their faith. The instruction was given according to other topics.

After highlighting the three attitudes, the bishop also encouraged and inspired the youths into action in their daily lives.  The bishop cited the vital commandment of Jesus: ‘Love each other, as I have loved you’ in the second stage of education.

The bishop said: “To live in happiness, we Catholics have to carry out actions of charity.  We care for our parents, families, friends and others.  In other words, we have to thirst for the good. We have to do what we can to create a just society. Lastly, ‘peace making’ leads all people to become one family because the world needs the most is ‘peace’.”

The bishop encouraged them to help others in order that they find peace, pray to God and forgive one another. He added: “This forgiveness is a gift that is given by Jesus to us on the Cross. He also forgave those who crucified Him.”

During the full-day journey, each group successfully arrived in Prekabas Church. On the later part of the day, the youths organised Tazé prayers at night to reflect again on the instructions given to them earlier. They have to come up with a means on their own to bear fruit for missions as Catholics.

The next morning, all the pilgrims attended Mass to conclude the event. In his homily, the bishop reminded them saying: “To take part in the promotion of peace, we have to start with ourselves.  We have to be humble and poor, gentle and kind to build justice in society.

The bishop also encouraged them to pay attention to plants and environment and take care of these Gifts of God – try to live to understand that you are a youth with a dignified life with the one Father who cares for education, health and a natural environment. It is hoped that you are fully prepared as a Catholic who is a small light in a meaningful society.

 A youth, Peter Chan Manuth from Koh Sla Church said that this was the first time that he went on a pilgrimage.  The youth shared his experiences saying that he was a bad-tempered person who had difficulty to control himself.  He had never wanted to work for justice for anyone. These factors made him unhappy. “Upon going on this pilgrimage, I have received experiences from older people. It leads me to understand that God is very patient.” Another youth from Kampong Speu Church said: “If we want to succeed in our goals – don’t choose the word ‘easy’. We want to show our patience in life of each one of us.”

This is the tenth time that the Catholic Church of Phnom Penh diocese has organised such an event since 2010 in Taing Kork, Kamong Thom. The second pilgrimage was made to Chomnoam, Banteay Meanchey province.  The third pilgrimage was made to Kdol Leu, Tbong Khmum province.  The fourth was at Ta Om Church, Banteay Meanchey. The fifth was at Kampong Kor Church, Kampong Thom. The sixth was at Areyksat, Phnom Penh. The seventh was at Phnom Bokor, Kampot. The eighth was at Kirivong,Takeo. The ninth was at Taing Kork, Kampong Thom.  Next year, a pilgrimage will be made to a paradise restaurant (Phnom Voarh) in Kep province.



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