Youths are strength of Church

The Phnom Penh Diocesan Pastoral Office for Youth, Teenagers and Children organised a visit to Myanmar for priests and 24 youths from Cambodia to attend the South East Asia One (SEA1) Youth Gathering from 28 November till 04 December 2019. The gathering coincided with the opening of the Year for Youths by the Church in Myanmar with the theme, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young.”

Speaking at the ceremony, Charles Maung Bo, the Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Yangon said that youths should love their youthfulness especially because “We know that youths are the source of the strength of the Church at present. Regardless of different cultures, living standards or in any situation, youths, should be always joyful, because joy leads other youths to continue their journey forward with their struggles and in hope. The Archbishop further said that the Blessed Virgin Mary should be the model because she answered the will of God freely, joyfully and full of faith. Despite being only about at the age of 15 or 16, Mary responded clearly to the plan of God.

Fr. Joseph Er Khaw Htoo, the priest in charge of this opening ceremony for the whole Church in Myanmar, shared his experiences with the participants, saying that the youth programs of the whole Church in Myanmar had had made great strides in stopping human trafficking. The activities included education, seminars, and instructions for some citizens who are facing these issues. Dialogues with religious groups, especially Buddhists are an important work for youths to be close with followers of other religions.

The priest further said that he had also organised seminars related to spirituality and faith. He had encouraged youths to pay attention to their studies, especially visiting youths and listen to their voices, needs, problems, dreams as encouragement for them.

Fr. Fernando Arango Zapata, the priest in charge of the Phnom Penh Diocesan Pastoral Office for Youth, Teenagers and Children in Cambodia, said: “The day of SEA1 has instructed our youths from four countries to have close collaboration with each other. It instructs our youths to open their hearts and minds wide in communications, regardless of cultures or languages. But we are united as one in the Person of Jesus Christ.  What is more important is that it is a time which instructs our youths to open their eyes to the consistent observance of the religion of the Myanmar people – Buddhists, Muslims and Catholics. They venerate them with a purity of heart.”

Sorn Sarouen, the head of the Phnom Penh Diocesan Pastoral Office for Youth, Teenagers and Children, highlighted the aim of SEA1, saying that first, the youths had to establish close and better relationships with one another at the gathering. Second, it is hoped that they will acknowledge the faith of youths in Myanmar by listening to the history of the Church. Thirdly, it is hoped that they will learn about the cultural diversity of Myanmar by visiting many places. Fourth,  they have to offer  new encouraging words lest they be afraid of responding to the plan of God who is calling them.

A Cambodian representative who joined the gathering also said: “The programme  has really led us to have collaboration between youths themselves, regardless of the differences and cultures and languages. Second,  we really have to work well in life as groups. We encourage, understand and help one another. Third, observe  traditions and cultures and religion of Myanmar. The people are a good model that Cambodian youths should follow. Fourth, the Word of God, ‘whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.  But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him and how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them’.  We have reflected on the Word of God and put them into practice. Fifth, we see that the Church in Myanmar has strong collaboration which includes priests, nuns, brothers and sisters, youths in order for the programme to move forward better.”

It should also be pointed out that SEA1 was attended by the youths from Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia, while Laos didn’t represent.  The delegates also visited the church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Catholic Major Seminary both in Yangon and some tourist destinations. They also took part in a programme called “Bago” to protect and improve the environment together.



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