Kite Flying Competition To Strengthen Friendship

Some 500 people entered a kite flying competition organised by St Mary of Smiles Church. A total of 95 competitors from villages in Tramp Kork district, Takeo province and from Kompot province took part in this competition.

Meak Sorn, the organising Committe Chairman said that the kite flying contest dated back to 2010. and was carried out as part of the Christmas celebration to foster the sharing of joy, love, solidarity, frienship and brethrenhood.

Kong Dampheng, vice president of the department of religion and cult expressed his joy at attending this program, because the program can not only maintain the cultural heritage, but also something more important which is to establish good relationships in the society without discrimination against each other. He added that “though we have different religions and race, I am proud to see so many brethren coming from all corners and places in our society with smiles smiles of joy on their faces.

Bishop Olivier Schmitthaeusler commented that a good and meaningful aspect of this event is forming of a new society of abundant lives. The kite flying contest was hold on 26th December, 2013. The winners who won the number one trophy obtained 200,000 Riels, number two 170,000 Riels, number three 140,000 Riels, number four 120,000 Riels and number five 100,000 Riels. However, others who didn’t win obtained encouragement prizes, 30,000 Riels each.



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