“Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it!”

Phnom Penh: This is the phrase quoted from the Bible by Bishop Olivier Schmittaeusler  in his homily. Bishop Olivier also quoted it on the occasion of the opening the new academic year 2017-2018 for the third batch of the students at  St. Justin’s School of Faith on 14 October 2017.  The ceremony took place at the parish of St. Peter and Paul in Phnom Penh Thmei, which was attended by many professorial priests and students.

Bishop Olivier urged all students to pay attention to and put into practice the Word of God in their daily lives.  He said that all study program of the school were to reflect the Word of God in day-to-day life such as ethics, Church history, morning Mass, the way of living in groups etc.

His Excellency Bishop Olivier emphasised: “This year is the time when we have to heed the Word of God further:

“First, it enables each one of us, and our school, to have a progressive life especially through relationships with our brothers and sisters.  Second, it allows other people around to be able listen to the Word of God, especially on social media.  Third, we care for neophytes, who have just been baptized to better understand of the values of vocation and the courage to answer that call.”

Miss Vann Nychhay Eng, an outstanding student of the school said that St. Justin’s School of Faith had been a great help to her in  understanding more about the tenets of Christianity, especially helping her with new ideas to educate children. The student added that one of the subjects she likes is spirituality because the subject is about life and a relationship with others and God.

St. Justin’s School of Faith was established in the year 2011 by Bishop Olivier Schmittaeulser. The school teaches Scripture, church history, spirituality, Theology, the teachings of the Catholic Church, and ethics. The school also has a programme reflecting on social developments and events with guest speakers.  The school has also provided the students an opportunity to learn about and understand the pastoral life of the Catholic Church in other countries as well.



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