Bishop exhorts youth to be prepared for Cambodia to join Asean

In a frienldy meeting with students of the centers of St. John Baptist and of St. Joseph, bishop Olivier SCHMITTHAEUSLER, of the capitial city of Phnom Penh exhorted all the students to try hard to study and read more books. He called on them to especially strenghten themselves in foreign languages and computer knowledge because in the future, Cambodia will integrate with Asean (Association of South East Nations).

Asean chose December 31, 2015, as the date when Cambodia will become a member of the Asean community, which consists of countries in South East Asia like Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Philipines, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Brunei and Cambodia.

“That’s why we have to carefully protect and maintain cultures and have the honest heart to be responsible for Cambodia as whole,” said the bishop.

The visitation and meeting programmes was initiated on the evening of February 14, 2014 by St. Joseph church (phsar toich), in Phnom Penh.

The center of St. Joseph received junior high school students, and the center of St. John Baptist received a total of 30 high school male students.



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