The late Fr. Bou Yieb inspires us to unite in Jesus

On the occasion of Fr. Françios Tieng Bou Yieb’s death anniversary service at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church (PlauTrey), bishop Olivier Schmitthaeusler has exhorted Christians to follow Fr. Bou Yieb’s example by living a simple life and not be too dependent on wealth. Fr. Françios Tieng Bou Yieb’s death anniversary was celebrated on 12th March at the Church of PlauTrey with an estimated 3,000 Catholics present.

In his remarks bishop also said: “ we are Christians, and should not be misled by wealth and everything that reminds us of Satan as mentioned in Scripture.” He went on to say that “we remember Fr. Bou Yieb by asking him to help us know more about Jesus in order to build the Kingdom of God and bring a new hope to the world. What we need to ask Fr. Yieb is, how we can unite our lives in Jesus and be like Him.”

The bishop also invited all during this time of Lent to open their hearts to welcome Jesus by being mindful of others, by fasting and praying for renewed hope.

He continued by saying that the diocese of Phnom Penh has entered “the Year of Charity’, putting the mercy of God first so that we can love and share with other people who have nothing. This should start in each family.Therefore, Christians are the salt and light of the earth by being witnesses to others by our lives all the time and in every way to live the Word and the example of Jesus.”

Fr. Françios Tieng Bou Yieb was born on January 1, 1897 in Vietnam’s Ang Yang province. In 1924, he was ordained a priest in Phnom Penh. From 1924 to 1925, the priest served an assistant priest in PlauTrey Church now located in Phmor Kol village, Lvea Em district, Kandal province. Unfortunately he was beheaded in Vietnam.

Fr. Joseph, professor of the Major Seminary in Vietnam who attended the ceremony said that “Father Bou Yieb was an example for us to follow Jesus; living in faith, loving his people, loving one another, protecting one another, especially during a period of the vigorous test of faith. Today, all are praying for him to be canonized a saint soon.”



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