Blood Donations at St Paul Institute – An Act of Love

February 27 was the third occasion on which students and staff at St Paul Institute gave blood to the National Blood Center. This time about 150 made the donation to help those whose lives might be saved if blood is available.

The programme began at 8am with advice and explanation of doctors regarding the blood donation, to settle fears and to ensure that all the donors knew how significant was their decision to give blood.

Mr. Sok Roth, coordinator of the programme and adonor said, “The blood donation programme aims to ensure that sufficient blood is stored to help in emergencies such as traffic and other accidents, to provide for surgery and to assist those who cannot afford the costs of transfusions. The collection and storage of quantities of blood is very dependent on many generous people in many places.”

Regarding the experience of blood donation, Mr. Sok Roth said that this was the third time he had given blood. He went on to say he was happy knowing that his losing some blood might help save a life or help another person. The blood collection at St Paul Institute took place from 8 am to 12 pm.



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