Twelve Candidates Baptized at Easter

The Child Jesus Parish in BoeungTumpon celebrated Easter with 12 candidates being baptised, which was a sign of renewed life in communion of death and life in Christ.  Easter celebration was held on 20 April 2019 in the pastoral sector at the southern zone in Mean Chey district’s BoeungTumpon commune, Phnom Penh with Fr. Damien Fahrner as the main celebrant.  A large number of Catholics attended the celebration.
During his homily, the priest reminded Catholics gathered, especially the 12 candidates, saying that Jesus was truly risen from the dead and after the homily, the 12 were immersed in water in communion with death and life with the Risen Jesus. He continued that hence, Catholics have to be joyful, though we were persecuted.

He stressed: “Our life by nature was birth and death, but renewed life we receive from the sacrament of baptism, we receive renewed life for eternity with Jesus, who led something new. So let brothers and sisters become renewed human beings in Christ and it is a light that springs from the light.”
Prior to celebrating baptism, Fr. Damien asked the candidates a few questions about their faith and the Catholic Faith.  The 12 professed their faith and promised to abandon sin to make a journey with Jesus – the Christ and Lord for life.

Later the priest and all the worshippers knelt in supplication to God through the martyrs for the 12 who were about to be baptised.
Later, the candidates were led to a pool for baptism and beseeched God to bless the water and all the candidates, to descend into the pool with the priest. The Baptism ceremony was by emersion when the priest immerses the candidates in water baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. It was in the similar way when Jesus sent His disciples to preach the Gospel and baptise those who repented and believed in the Gospel.

The just baptised candidates received white vestments, which are the symbol of renewed life and purity. The priest and sponsors dressed them in the white garments and handed lit candles to them, which is the light of Christ for the candidates who were dresses like the Risen Christ. “The Light of Christ be with the candidates for life!”
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC.1277) says: “Baptism is birth into a new life in Christ. In accordance with the Lord’s will, it is necessary for salvation, as is the Church herself, which we enter by Baptism.”



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