Bishop Olivier: 40-day Lent season is a time to listen to the Gospel and repent.

Presided over by Bishop Olivier Schmitthaeusler of the Apostolic Vicariate of Phnom Penh, the parishioners of St. Joseph’s Church in Phsar Toich congregated to observe Ash Wednesday on the evening of 26 February 2020. It is a sign of entering into the 40-day Lent season.

In his homily, the Bishop instructed Catholics present to pay greater attention to the Biblical passages that talks about giving, fasting and prayer.

He said: “In this year of 2020, various activities and life-style are promoted by social media. However, Jesus teaches us something contradictory to what is often promoted. That is to fast and serve the poor and be witnesses and encourage others to do likewise.”

The Bishop encouraged them during the Lenten season 2020 to pay attention during this 40-day period. They have to enter deeply into their Catholic lives as Christ’s disciples, by begging together to reconcile with God and act as renewed persons. He further said: “We have to thank God and the Church for giving us this 40-day period to listen to the Good News again about the truth that Jesus suffers, dies and resurrects on the third day. It is really the mystery of our faith.”

He added: “The Good News is Jesus who comes to save us. He suffers to carry our difficulties. Jesus dies for our sins and He resurrects for us to receive new life. ”

The bishop also reminded that Pope Francis had invited all Catholics to enter the mystery of Easter. We look at Jesus on the Cross and He saves us. We see Jesus on the Cross to understand how Jesus liberates us. We receive the sacrament of confession – we realize that God the Father loves us very much. He gives us grace to guide us enter His grace to live as new persons.

He also encouraged all the Catholics to repent urgently in their daily lives by entering into conversation with God, especially through prayers.

He continued by saying: “The 40 days is a time of prayer to look at God. He in turn looks at us and listens to each other , knowing that today the Father has the Word for saving my life.” Before concluding, his homily, the Bishop said: “May we understand that our world today has received much information. Sometimes it is true, sometimes fake. So, we should examine that information, identifying God’s presence and Will, because of the happiness and joy we receive, as long as we allow God to work with us today. We know that Jesus died and rose from the dead in order to lead us to receive God’s life forever.”



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