Church Offers Gifts to Elderly and Poor

St. Mary of Smiles Church made donations to the 56 elderly people and 45 poor families without farmland from five communes: TrapaingKranhoung, Kous, Samrong, Tramkak and NhaengNhong communes in Tramkak district, Takeo province. Bishop Olivier, Apostolic Vicar of Phnom Penh, presided at this gathering.

The bishop said, “Each of the elderly here has more than 80 years of experience, so please help instruct children to work for success in their lives.” He also asked children and youth to listen to the elderly and to respect them because they are a precious resource for Cambodia and for future generations. At the end, Bishop wished the elderly and the poor, the volunteer youth and all staff to have hope and joy in their lives by being happy at Christmas.

“It is kind of Father to always help poor people like me. This is the fourth time that I received gifts. May all of you be peaceful!” said Grandmother Sorn 88, from Trapaing Thmor village.

Those December 26 gifts included: flowers, unmilled rice, staple food and some other necessities. The gathering took place on the campus of St. Francis Assisi High School in ChamkarTeang village, Kous commune, Tramkak district, Takeo province.



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