Youth Prepare for Asian Youth Day in Korea

Recently, a group of Cambodian youth from the three dioceses in the country met at St. Michael Parish (Sihanouk Vile) in order to prepare for their participation at the Asian Youth Day in August, which will be held in Korea. They focused their attention on three main topics.

Recently, a group of Cambodian youth from the three dioceses in the country met at St. Michael Parish (Sihanouk vile) in order to prepare for their participation at the Asian Youth Day in August, which will be held in Korea. They focused their attention on three main topics.

Mr. Phon Sophal, the director of the youth office and general organizer of the trip to this event in Korea said that “this is the second meeting that this group organized to fine tune the programme, which is to: 1) get to know each other from the three dioceses, formalities related to passport and visa application 2) learn more about the martyrs of Cambodia in line with the theme of Asian Youth Day 3) make them understand clearly that they are representing all the youth of Cambodia and not just those from their own diocese.”

Cambodian Catholic Church’s 26 diocesan youth representatives will fly to South Korea to join this sixth Asian Youth Day scheduled for 10-17th August with the theme “the Glory of Martyrs shines on us, let us wake up!.” The Holy Father, Pope Francis will be present at this event from the 13-17th August.

Chao Phoeung, the youth representative from Battambang’s Apostolic Prefecture said that “the meeting made me know of our Cambodian martyrs who were good models for us Catholics to show other people the love of Jesus. Now I have an opportunity to let other youth in Asia at the Asian Youth Day to know about the martyrs of Cambodia.”

This second Cambodia’s youth meeting was held on March 14-16 at the parish St. Michael (Sihanoukville) in the presence of Rt. Rev. Oliver Schmittaeusler, the bishop of Phnom Penh, Fr. Gustavo Adrian Benitez, Sisters and Mr. Phon Sophal, the programme’s coordinator. ) in order to prepare for their participation at the Asian Youth Day in August, which will be held in Korea. They focused their attention on three main topics.

Mr. Phon Sophal, the director of the youth office and general organizer of the trip to this event in Korea said that “this is the second meeting that this group organized to fine tune the programme, which is to: 1) get to know each other from the three dioceses, formalities related to passport and visa application 2) learn more about the martyrs of Cambodia in line with the theme of Asian Youth Day 3) make them understand clearly that they are representing all the youth of Cambodia and not just those from their own diocese.” Cambodian Catholic Church’s 26 diocesan youth representatives will fly to South Korea to join this sixth Asian Youth Day scheduled for 10-17th August with the theme “the Glory of Martyrs shines on us, let us wake up!.” The Holy Father, Pope Francis will be present at this event from the 13-17th August.

Chao Phoeung, the youth representative from Battambang’s Apostolic Prefecture said that “the meeting made me know of our Cambodian martyrs who were good models for us Catholics to show other people the love of Jesus. Now I have an opportunity to let other youth in Asia at the Asian Youth Day to know about the martyrs of Cambodia.”

This second Cambodia’s youth meeting was held on March 14-16 at the parish St. Michael (Sihanoukville) in the presence of Rt. Rev. Oliver Schmittaeusler, the bishop of Phnom Penh, Fr. Gustavo Adrian Benitez, Sisters and Mr. Phon Sophal, the programme’s coordinator.



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