Brack Bunhong and Vin Kann gain admission to the Catholic Major Seminary

Phnom Penh: Bishop Olivier Schmittaeusler declared open the new academic year of 2017-2018 for the Catholic Major Seminary of St. Jean Marie Vianney with a Eucharistic celebration. During the Eucharistic  Bishop Olivier  made a formal announcement and the rite of admission of candidates Brack Bunhong and Vin Kann to the Seminary. They now officially become seminarians. The two candidates were studying at the institution to reflect on the call of God of living a priestly life.

The main celebrant of the Eucharistic was Bishop Oliver and concelebrated by the Apostolic Prefect, Msgr. Antonysamy of Kampong Cham Prefecture, together with Fr. Bob Piché, the rector of the seminary. A good number of people attended the ceremony on 11th October 2017.

The seminary was re-opened in the 1990s at a local Church in Battambang. Later it was relocated to the Capital city of Phnom Penh in 1998.  The seminary is the institution for youth to learn to understand about religious vocation and formation to the priesthood.

In his homily, Msgr. Antonysamy said by sharing his personal experiences when he even received encouraging words from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.  The Pope Emeritus used to say: “Our difficulties has influene on the faith and  although other dificulties could not be solved, we have to have trust and try hard and pray. In spite of having difficutlies, may we offer all our difficulties to God.”

Taking this opporunity, Msgr. Antonysamy also explained the meaning of the Apstoles’s Creed that Catholics received from Jesus.  They have recited the Creed today to attentively receive God’s strength and even forgive other people.

Fr. Bob Piché formally asked Bishop Olivier during the rite to receive the candidates Bunhong and  Vin Kann and be called the full students of the Bishop.  The priest emphasised that the two have studied at the seminary three years ago during their initiation. They have reflected on the call of God and are preparing to answer this call with proper knowledge and commitment. Fr. Bob also asked the Catholics present to continue praying for all the seminarians.

Bunhong comes from Mondulkiri Church in Kampong Cham, while Vin Kann is from Phnom Penh. Bishop Olivier and Msgr. Antonysamy asked the two candiates questions: “Are you willing to consecrate your life for the Church and serve the People of God. With the contiunation of your formation,  are you ready to serve as priests in your respective dioceses?”

Then the two candidates aswered “yes” by saying: “We are willing to follow our commitment.” The two main celebrants agreed to rececive the two candidates into the seminary with  the appropriate writen notes.

Vin Kann said by showing his intention  that by receiving priestly formation for a priestly life with joy it prepares him both earthly and spiritual life. The seminarian even showed his determined interest to the priesthood whose role is to bring peace, blessing, and salvation of Jesus for other people. “The intention of becoming a priest is to live with Jesus, pray, love with focus on the pastral affairs of the Church           

The Catholic Church in Cambodia has made its efforts to help youth with reflection on a religious vocation so that they have the courage to make a decision to respond to God in their own faith. The Diocese of Phnom Penh itself has tried hard to organize a vocational prayer for the youth every month. It is evident that this prayer had borne fruits by bringing in a new youth, while  8 senior students are willing to enter the seminary in order to contemplate a priestly life for the year 2017-2018.



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