Chrism Mass in Cambodia

Bishop Olivier, the two Apostolic Prefects, priests, parishioners of the Catholic Church of Cambodia assembled to celebrate the Chrism Mass which also serves as a witness of Jesus. This is a tradition of the Catholic Church. The Chrism Mass was attended by a large number of parishioners from three dioceses of Battambang, Kampong Cham and Phnom Penh on the evening of 9 April 2019 at the Chapel of St. Peter and Paul in the Phnom Penh Thmei pastoral sector.

The three Liturgical committees also joined in the procession of carrying jars of Olive oil mixed with fragrant balsam towards the bishop who was waiting to receive them. Upon receiving the oils, the bishops prayed asking God to bless the oils to be used in administering the sacraments in accordance with the Tradition of the Catholic Church.

Bishop Oliver Schmitthaeusler of the Apostolic Vicariate of Phnom Penh blew on these oils while mixing it to signify that the Holy Spirit has come into the world. The bishop prayed recollecting sacraments and the Powers of the sacred Chrism in the New Testament. The bishop
recollected the life of Jesus, who had fulfilled His Mission to save mankind and made intercession for the Church to continue its mission through this sacred Chrism. It is hoped that mankind would receive blessings and become the children of God, who have been renewed by baptism and sacraments, especially by this Chrism.

The bishops and all priests laid their hands on the Chrism asking God and the Powers of the Holy Spirit to enable the Chrism to become a sacrament that shows the Mercy of God saying ‘May this Chrism be filled with the Holy Spirit and may it bring peace to those who receive it.’
Bishop Olivier stressed that the blessed Chrism consists of three types. The first was used for Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders and for the dedication of churches and Altars. The second is used for anointing the sick for strength and courage and the third, to anoint catechumens.

The Chrism is used for Confirmation for those who are willing to offer themselves to serve God, for seminarians, Holy Orders and the dedication of churches and Altars to bear witness to Jesus.
He further stressed only bishops who have the privilege to bless the Chrism by petitioning God to dwell in the Church, which was the reason why there were brothers and sisters representing all the Churches.

The Chrism Mass is celebrated every year during the Lenten season before entering Holy Week in order for the Chrism to be taken for use in liturgical services in the parishes for the whole year.



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