Young Scouts Leaders must live by their Pledge of Groups

The Pastoral Office for Youth and Teenagers and Children of the Catholic diocese of Phnom Penh organised a three-day camp from 29-31 March for leaders of the young scouts from nine parishes of its diocese at the Kirirom National Park in Kampong Speu province.

Sorn Sarouen, the head of the Pastoral Office for Youths, Teenagers and Children, outlined the aims of the camp, saying: “We have three main aims. First, strengthen the capacities of each leader by providing creative ideas, know how to initiate entertainment, games and sharing personal experiences from each other. Second, make a formal pledge in front of the bishop to serve the young scouts in the diocese. Third, they are given time to reflect together and plan the celebration of International Children’s Day on 1st June 2019.”

Sarouen expected that the camp would make all the leaders of the young scouts have further capacities to lead their members at their parishes through new experiences and means with effectiveness, care, responsibility, sincerity in the services with love. They should collaborate with priests, nuns, brothers and sisters and parishioners. The head also requested the priests, nuns, brothers and sisters to please help by focusing on supporting and encouraging, monitoring and leading them for them to feel the warmth and moral strength with the continuation of their activities.

Addressing the leaders of the young scouts, during his homily, bishop Olivier Schmitthaeusler encouraged them, saying: “God leads brothers  and sisters to become the leaders of the young scouts to live  a normal life in a proper way together with parents, friends and by becoming the right citizens in society in respect for all rules and laws in society. Brothers and sisters are aware that each law does not move us to our confusion, but leads us to live in harmony.”

The bishop continued that the leaders of the young scouts had to obey
their pledge, abide by the Laws of God, which says: “Love one another just as Jesus loved us. We lead the children into our camp to become people who respect each other and create a society filled with harmony and respect for the law of society.”

He said: “It is true God loves us. God forgives us if we pay our attention on loving, abiding by the Laws of God and living as people who try to repent to always become righteous people.”

Soeung Sophea, the leader of the young scouts of St. Michael’s Parish in Sihanouville, said that participating in the camp had brought him joys and elation to obtain new lessons on how to tie loose ends, to give first aid and work in groups. Sophea is a member of the young scouts whose role is to patrol when pitching tents. He had the chance to share personal experiences on how to stand in line, respect groups and various gestures of the scouts.

Sophea, continued: “The setting up of the camp led those who had participated, to become responsible people for the tasks they receive, in collaboration with and live in groups. So I would like to request all the leaders to please serve your members with all your heart and with

Another leader of St. Paul’s Church in Koh Sla , Chan Manuth expressed
his feelings, saying that this was the first time that he had attended the camp. It made him obtain several new experiences in knowing about working in groups, taking responsibility, how to lead Taizé prayers and so on. Manuth was committed to taking home experiences to put them into practice with his group, especially respecting the ten rules of the young scouts.

Manuth further said: “When making my pledge of the young scouts in front
of the bishop, it gives me goose bumps and I professed it with all my heart.” The youth also said that the camp had gotten all the leaders to know one another and shared personal experiences with each other. The Phnom Penh Diocesan Young Scout programme was initiated by bishop Olivier Schmitthaeusler in 2003 at Our Lady of the Smiles Parish in Chamkar Teang , strength with the continuation of their activities.

Addressing the leaders of the young scouts, during his homily, bishop Olivier Schmitthaeusler encouraged them, saying: “God leads brothers  and sisters to become the leaders of the young scouts to live  a normal life in a proper way together with parents, friends and by becoming the right citizens in society in respect for all rules and laws in society. Brothers and sisters are aware that each law does not move us to our confusion, but leads us to live in harmony.”

The bishop continued that the leaders of the young scouts had to obey
their pledge, abide by the Laws of God, which says: “Love one another just as Jesus loved us. We lead the children into our camp to become people who respect each other and create a society filled with harmony and respect for the law of society.”
He said: “It is true God loves us. God forgives us if we pay our attention on loving, abiding by the Laws of God and living as people who try to repent to always become righteous people.”

Soeung Sophea, the leader of the young scouts of St. Michael’s Parish in Sihanouville, said that participating in the camp had brought him joys and elation to obtain new lessons on how to tie loose ends, to give first aid and work in groups… Sophea is a member of the young scouts whose role is to patrol when pitching tents. He had the chance to share personal experiences on how to stand in line, respect groups and various gestures of the scouts.

Sophea, continued: “The setting up of the camp led those who had participated, to become responsible people for the tasks they receive, in collaboration with and live in groups. So I would like to request all the leaders to please serve your members with all your heart and with
Another leader of St. Paul’s Church in Koh Sla , Chan Manuth expressed
his feelings, saying that this was the first time that he had attended
the camp. It made him obtain several new experiences in knowing about working in groups, taking responsibility, how to lead Taizé prayers and so on. Manuth was committed to taking home experiences to put them into practice with his group, especially respecting the ten rules of the young scouts.

Manuth further said: “When making my pledge of the young scouts in front
of the bishop, it gives me goose bumps and I professed it with all my
The youth also said that the camp had gotten all the leaders to know one another and shared personal experiences with each other. The Phnom Penh Diocesan Young Scout programme was initiated by bishop Olivier Schmitthaeusler in 2003 at Our Lady of the Smiles Parish in Chamkar Teang .

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