The difficult journey of an elderly man in his faith

An old man Suon Yoeun,76, has four children and resides in Phnom Penh’s Boeung Tompun commune. Though a bit old in age, the 76-year-old expressed his faith, saying: “I have believed and loved God always. Despite not being a full Catholic, I have always offered my entire life to God who directed and enlightened me through prayers and alms-giving to the needy.”

According to the old man, he had received education on the essence of the faith since 1992 in the Saythou camp in Thailand, but because he was very busy making a living to survive as his family had met with hardships and somewhat disappointed, thus leading to mental anguish. He discontinued learning about the faith along with his wife and children from then. In 2018, he communicated to Jesus in prayer to continue the education of the faith until he got baptised in 2019 at the Easter vigil at the Child Jesus Parish in BoeungTumpon. Yoeun added that in the past no matter what his family said, he declined to receive instructions on the faith and be baptised because he thought that baptism was merely a Sacrament.

He said: “Hence I did not want to continue learning anything about Jesus due to advanced age. What is important is that I go to church, communicate with Jesus every day. That’s enough. Although no one knows it, only God knows about my faith in Him.” He said: “But perhaps, Jesus does not want me to stay silent and He prompts my heart to be courageous in appearing to become a full Catholic until the receiving of baptism.” Yoeun added that neighbours and those whom he used to know, had always spoken ill or mocked in disdain because he had entered this religious belief. He did not respond to them. He had forgiven them by offering them to God for he thinks that no one could measure the depth of a person’s heart and his/her faith except the one true God. Hence, he seeks to find Him.

Suon Yoeun,76, do a baptize in Child Jesus Church by Fr. Damien.

Speaking slowly with a smile on his face, Yoeun further said: “Before I was a man of a few words, but a wayward man. I get angry at them, walk without speaking words and walk out with a feeling of anger. But now I try to change bad behaviour and be humble in heart with love and
offer oneself to God for life. Although I do not have the strength to go out and proclaim the Gospel, one work that I do every day is praying.”

Yoeun continued by saying that he tries to go to church every day, except when he falls sick. He was very happy to see his children go to church. The old man said: “An old man like me, I am unaware of how many times I sat listening to priests delivering their homilies on Sundays? Hence, attending Sunday Mass is a crucial work for me.” Yoeun’s dream is that he wanted the Catholic Church in Cambodia to grow from strength to strength with many local Cambodian priests and nuns looking after each other with love in their eyes and with compassion. In church, there are many more people coming to Mass, especially parents pass their faith on to their children generation after generation, so as not to lose it.



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